Full Service Meat Department & Sustainable Seafood | Cub
Cub's Meat & Seafood Department
Beef • Steaks • Chops • Chicken Breasts • Ground Beef • Pork Ribs • Bacon & Sausage • Shrimp • Walleye • Salmon • Crab Legs • Tilapia • Lobster • Scallops
Our full-service meat and seafood department has a huge selection at great prices, including special deals and sales each week. Check out Cub's exclusive brats, meatloaf blends, seasoned chicken breasts and Cub's famous pub burgers, all with flavors that change every season. Looking for locally sourced meats, USDA choice beef, free range chicken, responsibly sourced seafood, organic meats or plant-based meats? We've got you covered there, too. Visit our meat and seafood aisle to shop online for pickup and delivery today.
Easy Dinners When You Shrimp-ly Can't Get Enough of a Great Deal
5 Easy Dinners When You Score a Great Deal on Chicken
5 Easy Meals When You Buy 5 Pounds of Ground Beef
Cub's premium cuts of pork come from Wholestone Farms through a unique collaboration with multi-generational, Midwestern farm families and Cub butchers. From farm to kitchen, Wholestone Farms delivers safe, consistent, nutritious and flavorful pork using the highest animal care & production standards. Check out our premium cuts today!
Responsibly Sourced Seafood at Cub

Cub is committed to sourcing fish and seafood responsibly. We care about you and our oceans. We partner with independent certification programs that verify the seafood we source was caught or farmed responsibly with care given to the workers, the animals, and the environment.
Responsibly Sourced Seafood Recipes
BAP Certified Seafood is Delicious, Nutritious, and Responsibly Produced
Best Aquaculture Practices is an international certification program for safely, responsibly, and ethically produced seafood. Choosing seafood at Cub from BAP-certified producers ensures your seafood meets strict acquaculture standards that protect the environment, the fish and workers. Learn more at https://bap.globalseafood.org/