Cub Signature Bouquet, 1 Each, $17.99
Cub Floral Signature Bouquet. Assorted varieties. Subject to availability.
Cub Floral Dozen Roses Multicolor, 1 Each, $17.99
Let us know your color preference at checkout or let our shoppers pick the best one for you!
Cub Dozen Premium Red Roses, 1 Each, $17.99
Dozen Premium Red Roses
Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant, 1 Each, $24.99
Orchid Plant
Cub Dozen Rose Arrangement (Vase Included), 1 Each, $49.99
Dozen Rose Arrangement (Vase Included)
Cub Floral Dozen Rose Vase Arrangement, 1 Each, $49.99
Dozen Rose Vase Arrangement
Cub Floral 3 Rose Bud Vase Arrangement, 1 Each, $24.99
3 Rose Bud Vase Arrangement
Cub Three Rose Arrangement (Vase Included), 1 Each, $24.99
Three Rose Arrangement (Vase Included)